Saturday, August 7, 2010

Where can i find California case law on exclusion of a business pursuit regarding my profession-poker player?

i was excluded from a cardroom while working at my profession as a poker player---on a personal vendeta by an employeeWhere can i find California case law on exclusion of a business pursuit regarding my profession-poker player?
If you want advice on how to practice your ';profession';, seek out the advice of someone whose profession it is to answer questions about law.

I think you know what that profession is called :)

You will find its practitioners in your local yellow pages, where many offer a free consultation!Where can i find California case law on exclusion of a business pursuit regarding my profession-poker player?
All California cardrooms are private businesses, and can exclude anyone on any basis not specifically prohibited by law.

For example, they can ban you BECAUSE you're a professional player, but not because you're black.

They can ban you simply because the floorman doesn't like you, but not because you're gay.


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