Saturday, August 21, 2010

GCSE Business Studies - case study?

Hey there,

I'm doing OCR Business Studies A for GCSE.

And there's apparently a case study for coursework?

How's it coursework if we don't actually submit any work?

And what is this case study?

All the best for everyone who has GCSE result coming out tomorrow... I'm in Year 10 and will get a few module results. :)GCSE Business Studies - case study?
I think you won't get any mark for coursework if you don't submit your coursework. I have done Business, case study is actually a scenario given about a Business like a comprehension passage, and they ask you questions relating to the scenario and you have to answer the questions carefully in terms of Business. Good luck for the results:)GCSE Business Studies - case study?
Business is one of those subjects that is easier to understand from a practical point of view. So in order to learn all the important bits of business you need to learn for your exam, you will work on a case study of a real business..

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